All of them are located inside the application installation folder ( / opt / resolve). This script creates symbolic links for the libraries that DaVinci Resolve needs to run. This way we can avoid messing with the system libraries so that everything works.

This generates a Deb package that we can use to install or remove DaVinci Resolve 15 like any other package in our Ubuntu. To avoid these problems and facilitate installation on Debian-based distributions, Daniel Tufvesson has created a script called MakeResolveDeb. Some guides mention using pretty ugly hacks, modifying system libraries, to make the application work on Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint. On Gnu / Linux, DaVinci Resolve only officially supports CentOS and requires some tweaking to make it work on other distributions. The non-studio version is from free personal use on Gnu / Linux, Windows and Mac. It includes tools for editing, visual effects, motion graphics, color correction, and audio post production. This is a professional video editing software. In the next article we are going to take a look at DaVinci Resolve 15.